Monday, June 14, 2010

Types of Poker Games

Are you watching poker on TV, it is easy to get the image of that there is only one type of poker. So it is not. There are many variations of poker games with different rules, styles and strategies.
Type of Poker Games
Texas Hold'em
Texas Hold'em, which is usually shortened Hold'em, is the most popular type of poker. It can be played in fixed limit, pot limit or no limit, and all variations require different strategic skills. Texas Hold'em is played with community cards on the table and each player is dealt two personal cards (hole cards), and the maximum it can get five cards on the table that all players use. The players who stay in the hand to the end combine their hole cards with the cards on the table, and that can create the best five-card hand wins, if not all but a player would fold when the lone player wins the pot no matter what he has.

Omaha Hold'em
Omaha is played with community cards are also similar to Texas Hold'em. Omaha players receive four hole cards and parts of up to five cards on the table. Often they play in Omaha eight-or-Better High-low split. Omaha is also played in "high-variation", where only the best hand wins. Like Texas Hold'em is the game of limit, pot limit and no-limit, although the last type is very unusual.

Pineapple Hold'em - Crazy Pineapple
Halfway between Texas hold'em and Omaha, we find Pineapple. Players are dealt three hole cards which they combine with the five cards on the table, but in Pineapple, players must discard one of their cards. This takes place after the flop in Crazy Pineapple, and before the flop in normal Pineapple. Usually this variation of poker is played with high-low split. Sometimes it is called also Watermelon (watermelon), because you spit out the kernels.

Stud (Stud) come in many varieties. Seven Card Stud is the most popular type of casinos while the high-low variant is most common in tournaments. Although the game is still popular in home games in different variations (Baseball, Anaconda, Chicago and many of), Stud has lost much of its popularity to the game with community cards. Sjukort Stud with "eight-qualifier" is the most common version of the high-low, but sometimes also played a type known as 'declare' where players have to say if they go too high, low or both ways. It also happens to play without any requirement that the low hand, all low cards must not be eight or lower. Five card stud poker is played rarely in the casinos. The game requires great skill so that bad players often lose their money quickly, and a game with only good players tend to be rather monotonous (except in tournaments). You can find five-card stud poker online. Mexican Stud is quite popular, a game with fewer cards than in a regular deck of cards but with only a wild card involved. Sonora, a no-limit version of five card stud poker, have a few faithful companions.

Draw Poker is the most basic type of poker and millions of people know the game. Because the game is based on basic skill (bad players simply have no chance), the game is almost extinct in casinos. "Jack Opening", where the player who opens betandet must have at least couple of jacks, is a common variant.

Razz is a lowball variant of Seven Card Stud. It is a rather mechanical game when it played at a full table. Razz is played rarely, except in tournaments and in shorthanded situations where limited chip stacks and high guess encourages "action".

Badugi played with four cards and is a form of "lowball / triple draw". The goal is to get four cards of different colors and with different rank (but few). A234 in different colors are therefore the best possible hand. If no player has a four card-Badugi pot goes to the player with the lowest three cards and so on.

Mixed Poker Games
HORSE (Hold'em-Omaha-Razz-Eight or Better), HOE (Hold'em-Omaha-Eight or Better) and OE (Omaha High Low, Stud High Low) is warning of higher levels of casinos. Mixed types of poker games are played often to exclude players who are specialists in a single game, and play to the base of each game itself is limited.

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